Monday, December 22, 2014

Love the Most Important Feeling

This few chapters we have seen almost a complete rising action. A lot of important events have happens through chapters 13-17. Now Jonas has almost mastered the ability to see colors and he now ready to feel painful memories. Jonas has started seeing his community different and incorrect and he is trying to pass memories to Asher and Lily but there is no result. There were days that the Giver felt so painful that he couldn't train Jonas, but one day Jonas felt that his training would be suspended again but then the Giver asked for helped and Jonas received the painful memory of warfare. After receiving such a painful memory the Giver gave him beautiful ones. One day Jonas decided to let baby Gabe sleep in his room. In midnight Gabriel started crying and Jonas undecided tried to pass a peaceful memory to Gabe….. Something story changing happened. Gabe was able to received memories.                                                                                  
While reading chapters 13-17 this part of the book was very interesting to me and I was able to analyze it and make inferences. "Jonas kept receiving memories and one day he received the memory of love. After that day Jonas decided to don’t take his stirrings pills again."

I think this quote can tell us many different things on what is going to happen in the future of this book. I thing one of the main things this part tells us is the Jonas is begging to care less with his community and start to be independent. After receiving so many memories about the truth of his community he is now feeling uncertain and thinks his community is incorrect. Because of this Jonas wants to experience things he is only able to do it in his memories, like love. I think that this is another main reason why he decided to stop taking his pills… he wants to experience love. Love is one of the best feelings in the world and Jonas by not taking his pills he is going to have stirrings again and start to fell in love with Fiona.  I infer that later on in this book Jonas is going to fell in love with Fiona, and since she doesn’t feel love he is going to do anything to make Fiona love him.

This quote made me realize the importance of love in our lives. 

In this video Bakermat explains how important is love and I think this really describes what Jonas is feeling. And also this song is very good and I can't recommend it enough. 

I am very interested to read the next chapters and learn what would happen to Jonas.



  1. Martin, I found your blog very interesting given that it led me to draw new conclusions from the book. As you said earlier, we have read almost the entire rising action and we are able to make conclusions from what we know. I also feel sad for Jonas because nobody understands him and he is the only one in his community to know the true meaning of emotions (except for the Giver). Later on, you explain why did Jonas stopped taking his pills which we can agree that is because of his desire to feel pleasure. I, like you, believe that this will have big effect on Jonas' life and want to find out what happened next in this entertaining book.

  2. I really think your comments are very inspiring and made me feel different my blog but in god ways Thomas. I think we think the same and I think that maybe later on in the book Jonas might fall in love with Fionna and maybe apply for a spouse. After reading chapter 20 I think we have found out a lot of good juicy stuff and I cant wait to read the end of this book.
